It's that time again... You're going to get the kayaking bug and there is NO vaccination for it so just enjoy. Before you get back on the water, it's time to clean up your good stuff and CLEAN OUT those items you aren't using. If it doesn't make you happy, it could spread the joy to someone else! Bring your paddling/camping/outdoor gear and sell/trade/gift to others Or maybe there's a treasure you've been looking for. Come see!
Even if you're not in the market, it's always fun to look at gear and talk about it with other yakkers.
Please bring a side/dessert/snack to share while you connect and reconnect with new and old friends. Surprise us with one of your specialties!
CKC will provide the hotdogs and standard fixings, handy wipes, water, ice.
Bring your own utensils, plate and cup/bottle as well as a chair in case the tables are full.
· If you are selling, please contact Suzann Dodds (suzann.dodds@gmail.com) to keep track of participation, spaces needed etc. Please use CKC 2024 Yard Sale in the subject line. Sellers are responsible for their equipment, setup, cleanup, payment collection. There are no “reserved tables”, though the shelter is reserved, so we do want to ensure we can support all interested sellers. There’s plenty of room on the grass if needed.
Transactions are between individuals. Cash is strongly recommended.
· The parking is close to the shelter and pretty convenient to only Dogwood Shelter (previously #7) so parking shouldn’t be a hassle.
· As far as trying before you buy, the area around the Dogwood Shelter (previously #7) does NOT have a put-in but Lake Wheeler does have one a short drive away. You must register at the Lake Wheeler office and pay (approx. $5-7) for a put in. Again, it’s the responsibility of the exchange parties.
MORE THAN EVER, VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED PLEASE… set up, take down, grilling the dogs, directing. Contact Suzann at suzann.dodds@gmail.com. Please use CKC 2024 Yard Sale in the subject line